Portfolios > Body Of Work: Excavating History at the International Museum of Surgical Science

In the IMSS' Hall of the Immortals, altered statues esplore the idea of doctors as Gods
highly variable!
Imhotep from Attributes of the Gods, Excavating History/ Body of Work, IMSS
papyrus made in Egypt, reed pen, gold leaf
Attributes of the Gods: Galen
gold leaf, gold wrist bands, monkey skull and book from Museum collection
Attributes of the Gods: Veselius
gold leaf, anatomy books from Museum collection
Attributes of the Gods: Morgagni
electric light, gold leaf
Harvey from Attributes of the Gods, Body of Work, IMSS
plastic tubes, glass beads, gold leaf
Pasteur from Attributes of the Gods, Body of Work, IMSS
clay, re-made jewel case, gold leaf,velvet, syringes,test tubes, cork
Attributes of the Gods: Roentgen
gold leaf, light, glass, metal, lead foil, x-ray print, xrays from the collection
Attributes of the Gods: Lister
gold leaf, coal tar soap
Attributes of the Gods: Curie
Wood, phosphorous, chain, gold leaf,
Did You Hear the One About...
ink on mourning stationery
Distillery of Knowledge
Laboratory glass, copper wire, copper tubing

For BODY OF WORK, I created an exhibition at the International Museum of Surgical Science. (The museum is housed in the historic Contiss Mansion.) My projects engaged with the exhibits throughout the museum, including a large installation in response to one of their main exhibitions, "The Hall of Immortals." I also invited artists who have worked with me on other Excavating History Projects to participate. Twelve artists created sculpture, performances, video, sound installations, literary works, and programming inspired by the history of medicine; our own relationship to healers; and the historic mansion itself.

The portfolio to the side is my work in the exhibition.

Reviews and articles were featured in Hyperallergic, Time Out Chicago,The Visualculturist, and ,Praeterita and MutualArts featured interviews with me about my work with all the Excavating History projects.